Sep 29, 2017 | News, Press
The Saboc restaurant, in Barcelona, and the V12 house, in Galicia, have been published for respecting the older elements found on each of the sites and incorporating a modern and respectful design.
Sep 27, 2017 | News, Press
Ad Spain published the apartment we designed with its four inhabitants –our clients and their two dogs– in mind.
Sep 14, 2017 | Press
The Italian edition of the prestigious publication ELLE Decor features the VenturaLab remodelling, one of our latest projects, and how materials were used.
Aug 30, 2017 | News, Press
La afamada firma de diseño de mobiliario Norman Copenhagen se hace eco del local de Magasand de Delicias, uno de nuestros últimos trabajos, por la utilización de sus sillas y por el diseño en general del espacio.